Maximizing Efficiency in Small Public Organizations: NTC's Journey to Streamlined Records Management

The National Transport Commission needed help solving records management and information governance challenges such as reducing the manual effort for users. The solution was leveraging RecordPoint's platform and people to allow records management to happen in the background.

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National Transport Commission

The NTC advances social and economic outcomes for all Australians through an efficient, integrated and national land transport system. The NTC leads national land transport reform in support of Australian governments to improve safety, productivity, environmental outcomes and regulatory efficiency, enable future transport technologies, promote an integrated and nationally consistent land transport system and support the delivery of Australia’s infrastructure and transport ministers’ priorities.


RecordPoint does it all in the background. Who wouldn't want to jump on this, really?

Robert Fois

Head of Information Services

Maximizing Efficiency in Small Public Organizations: NTC's Journey to Streamlined Records Management

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In the world of small public organizations, resource allocation is a constant challenge. For IT managers tasked with maintaining efficiency and compliance, the challenge to do more with less is all too familiar. This was the case for the National Transport Commission (NTC), a small federal government agency focused on land transport policy reform, which found a solution in smart outsourcing and the adoption of innovative technology.

Smart outsourcing for critical IT functions

Robert Fois, the Head of Information Services at NTC, faced a common problem: managing critical IT functions through the efficient use of resources. His role includes information management, information security, and technology, plus the governance of all these areas.

His solution? Strategic outsourcing and leveraging specialized expertise.

"For some of these areas, I use 0.1 FTE per year – you're not going to hire someone full-time to do this work," Fois explains.

In outsourcing key expertise such as a cybersecurity advisor, business continuity advisor, and IT managed services provider, Fois created a team of subject matter experts who could be called upon as needed.

Records and information governance requires a targeted approach

With the increased adoption and use of the Microsoft platform and other cloud-based options, a challenge for organisations with records management obligations is the impact on records management practices and information governance. The NTC relied on a standalone existing records management system and manual processes, resulting in poor user experience with increased compliance administration.

Fois identified three primary challenges with the current approach:

- Records management was perceived as "noise" due to inefficient manual process

- New and old ways of working requiring a consistent approach

- Retiring legacy applications and transitioning to modern solution that support a new way of working

The organization's journey from legacy systems to the cloud included the option to integrate with their existing records management system, but it became clear that a new solution was needed. Fois recommended the organization select RecordPoint via an arrangement between the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) and RecordPoint, in response to the whole of government digital records transformation initiative.

RecordPoint offers a solution

The outcome has been transformative, with the platform’s data discovery, data classification, and in-place data management features reducing the burden on the end-user.

"RecordPoint does it all in the background. Who wouldn't want to jump on this, really?" Fois enthuses. "Now I can sit back and be confident everything in Microsoft 365 and SharePoint is captured."

The leadership team has fully bought into the new system, the top-down support crucial for driving adoption and compliance.

RecordPoint’s Success Plan means Fois has someone to implement the recommendations—another way he can allocate expert resources to support a function and get more done.

He meets with a RecordPoint consultant once a month to discuss active projects, issues and next steps. The consultant provides recommendations and priorities for action, and Fois approves their work.

“The fact I have someone looking at the data, summarizing tasks actioned, and making any recommendations for consideration makes me feel like I’m in a good place.”

Looking ahead, NTC plans to migrate all content from its existing records management system into SharePoint and therefore RecordPoint, followed by a major disposal process. Robert is confident this will ensure appropriate handling of all records and tick many compliance boxes.

Top tips for overcoming resource limitations

For other IT managers in small public organizations looking to do more with less, Fois offers this advice:

1. Don't be afraid to bring in experts to supplement your team

2. Ensure service providers implement their recommendations, against your requirements

3. Maintain open and regular communication with clear KPIs with outsourced partners

By following these principles and leveraging innovative solutions like RecordPoint, small public organizations can overcome resource constraints and achieve efficient, compliant records management.

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