Good cybersecurity starts with great information management
The significant threat of cybercrime and ransomware requires security and information teams to work together to find and control data and reduce the likelihood and impact of breaches.

Locate and classify your data in order to safeguard it
To secure data, you need tools that can automatically identify sensitive high-risk data at scale. The RecordPoint platform uses AI and ML to automatically analyze and classify records and then flags for secure retention or disposal based on content in files and records.

Minimize what needs to be protected
Every piece of information you store and every bit of complexity you add comes with a security cost. Rather than waste resources attempting to secure ever-expanding data sets and data sources reduce the amount of data open to attack.
Confidently respond to security breaches
Data breaches are becoming more common, and how you respond can go a long way to minimize the impact. With continuous data inventory, classification, and minimization through RecordPoint, you can know exactly what type of information was breached and respond accordingly.
Ensure compliance with essential privacy and security regulations

Data privacy needs good data management
It’s not possible to make good data decisions if you can’t appropriately classify and understand your data. Scalable, consistent, and accurate governance enables teams to solve the data privacy challenge.