
Automatically detect private information at risk and low value data across your entire data inventory

Scalable identification of PII, PCI, duplicates and ROT empowering your organization to take appropriate measures to minimize or secure.


Prevent the exposure of personally identifiable information by knowing what you have where

Ensure that your IT security teams are armed with the information necessary to create processes and protect personal information instead of simply storing it.


Be in control of the narrative when a data breach occurs and minimize reputational damage

If your organization has a data breach know exactly who you need to notify. Avoid over-notification which can lead to unnecessary reputational damage and under-notification may run afoul of regulatory compliance obligations.

Reduce the risks associated with data hoarding and data graveyards

Most companies collect and store petabytes worth of data, which often include large amounts of PII, PCI, duplicates and ROT. Defensibly dispose of data that is no longer required for the specific purpose it was collected.


Key Features

Privacy Signals

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) data content detection across all content sources and with signals available as metadata.

Detect duplicates

Verify if records have any identical binaries across all content sources and dispose.​

ROT Signals

Redundant, Obsolete and Trivial (ROT) data detection across all content sources with signals available as metadata.

Continuous enrichment

Signal enrichment process continues with data passing through the intelligence engine at every stage of the edit lifecycle.

Dynamic reporting

Out-of-the-box Intelligence Signals dashboard to identify where sensitive data is and manage risk.


Data privacy needs good data management

The first step in data privacy is good data management

The solution to data privacy starts with good data management. Learn how scalable, consistent, and accurate governance enables teams to solve data privacy challenges.

Learn More

Why data minimization matters

Retaining redundant, obsolete or trivial data (ROT) raises costs and business risk. Data minimization is the answer, and can enable your team to achieve more.

Learn More
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Protect customer privacy – and your business with Intelligence Signaling

Speak to the RecordPoint team about automated privacy compliance