Your business depends on data — and data governance

To deliver on your data governance frameworks and policies, you need a full lifecycle solution from data inventory, categorization, privacy and minimization.

Good data governance starts with a comprehensive inventory

Gain enterprise-wide visibility of all your available data assets. Reliable and continuous data inventory means your organization has a deep understanding of all your data and where it lives.

Implement your data governance framework and policies 

The RecordPoint platform gives you the tools to execute your data governance frameworks and policies. Consolidate all your data sources, create your own file plan and retention schedules, set data categorization rules, and activate automated data categorization.

Intelligent data classification powered by AI & ML 

Use RecordPoint to classify data in various functional and security categories. Use your own rules and machine learning (ML) to train your classification model or our intelligence signaling helps locate sensitive data and ROT.

Ensure compliance with essential data governance standards and regulations

The only true SaaS player to formally complete a third-party IRAP assessment

Our IRAP assessment, performed by an independent third-party assessor, provides you with the assurance that we are committed to the ongoing improvement of our security posture and practices that meet the stringent requirements of the Australian Government.

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Find out how RecordPoint can help you deliver on your data governance frameworks